
My Start up Story: Ittybit

IttyBit has created software that simplifies the handling of rich media in applications, providing developers with easy ways to upload, store, transform, and extract data from video, audio, and image files, while ensuring compatibility across different formats and browsers. They have built a media intelligence engine which helps developers to add uploads in minutes, to extract rich data from files, and to deliver media at 10x lower cost.
As well as detailing the unique elements of the Ittybit offer, Paul talks about: –

• Dropping out of university to start, scale and sell his YouTube coaching channel
• His love of travel and his time in Silicon Valley being exposed to people who were “better than him” and thought “bigger than him”
• His socialist values; how he is driven to grow to give back to society
• The importance of a cofounder and community so you’re not doing it all alone
• How his 18 month old son, Finn, makes him appreciate the use of his time and energy
• His love of Elon Musk and why…

Following a competitive process, Ittybit completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and are currently fundraising for their next phase of growth.
For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process go to and for Ittybit see
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My Start up Story: Cubode

Cubode is working towards a world where everyone is empowered to harness data.
It is doing that by turning code from a privilege to an accessible commodity. Just like Canva has democratised design, without having to hire a full creative team, Cubode is democratising the harnessing of data using AI, without having to hire a team of coders. Cubode makes the extraction, processing and analysing of data simple and effortless. No technical expertise needed.

Rebeca Garcia, co-founder, is passionate about what she has created. As well as explaining how Cubode offers a unique non-technical alternative to coding, she also shares:
• her views on under-represented female role models as founders or investors in the tech start-up sector
• why making an impact, rather than only aspiring to do so, is something worth celebrating
• her realisation that setting out a vision and reinforcing it is critical
• the story of her parent’s business going bankrupt when she was a teenager and how that shaped who she is
• her decision to turn down a place at university and to move to London instead despite not speaking any English and…
• …why she is not afraid of losing everything.
Following a competitive process, Cubode completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and are currently fundraising for their next phase of growth.
For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process go to and for Cubode see
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to help build our community.

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My Start up Story: Birl

On average the UK spends £27bn on clothes, sends 300,000 tonnes of clothes to landfill each year, when it is believed 95% of those garments could be re-worn or upcycled.
Birl is making resale easy and profitable for purpose-driven brands by offering a single button on a brand’s product display page to allow customers to trade in and receive credits to purchase new products whilst then handling the logistics, resale & recycling of all trade-ins on the brand’s behalf (think Klarna, but a force for good).
Our conversation with Peter Lydon, co-founder, includes:-
• how he has already secured Birl’s first fashion brands to offer the trade-in process to customers.
• The opportunities and frustrations of being a tech disruptor in the fashion sector
• Who he turns to when he has a wobble
• How, as an adopted Scouser, he is now giving back.
• how the power of the collective, rather than going alone, can help you go further.
• his unique working routine as he juggles work and family life (believe us, it is quite unique!)
• “Don’t just take the money”: Why aligning values and morals are important for co-founder and investor relationships to thrive.
Following a competitive process, Birl has completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and is currently fundraising for its next phase of growth.
For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process or to seek information about investor opportunities go to and for Birl go to
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My Start up Story: Heatio

While the UK is in an energy crisis characterised by soaring energy prices, Heatio is making clean energy affordable and accessible to all.
Sharing his why and how his young business has recently partnered with EoN, Heatio’s Chief Commercial Officer, Thomas Farquhar brilliantly shares his entrepreneurial journey and reflections which include:-
· why he doesn’t describe himself as an entrepreneur
· why bootstrapping a start-up has helped build a strong foundation
· the challenges of running a business whilst fundraising
· how he and his co-founder, Simon Roberts, trust each other implicitly
· his realisation that tunnel vision stopped him opening up
· lessons from his father and grandfather which have shaped his life and business ethos
Tom shares a great story with honesty and genuine reflection which will bring a smile alongside admiration.
Our conversation with Tom starts at 03:52.
Following a competitive process, Heatio have completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and are currently fundraising for their next phase of growth.
For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process or to seek information about investor opportunities go to and for Heatio go to
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to help build our community.

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My Start up Story: Gaia Learning

Everyone knows a child who struggles in school. CEO of Gaia Learning and TEDx speaker alongside her cofounder, Kirsten Coughtrie are personalising learning experiences for neurodivergent children worldwide.
Gaia Learning have created a global online school that supports neurodiverse children through personalised education, which parents and educators can monitor via a dashboard that provides insights into a child’s learning experience. The model leads to reduced anxiety, more personalised learning, and better overall learner experience.
Kate exudes passion when she shares her absolute belief that Gaia Learning will change the world of education and is incredibly honest about the realities of building a business.
Some of her highlight shares include:-
• Her feelings when she realised that her daughter, Poppy was different from most other children and how mainstream education doesn’t adequately cater for 20% of the population who are neuro-divergent
• Why the world needs to understand the potential for online learning (which is not sitting your child in front of a computer for hours)
• How techniques such as using dinosaurs to teach maths and designing a dream house to teach English can revolutionise a child’s learning, confidence and creative thinking.
• How the Baltic Ventures Accelerator gave her headspace, a sense of community and an opportunity for meaningful conversation
• How her early childhood traumatic events gave her an absolute belief that everything will be alright
• What she has learnt in terms of accepting support from others
Our conversation with Kate starts at 03:52.
Following a competitive process, Gaia Learning have completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and are currently fundraising for their next phase of growth.
For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process or to seek information about investor opportunities go to and for Gaia Learning go to
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to help build our community.

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My Start up Story: Hexis

Driven by a desire to address nutritional challenges faced in professional sports Dr Sam Impey, co-founded Hexis in 2018 alongside, David Dunne.

Hexis allows nutritionists, trainers, and sports organisations to predictively personalise the nutritional needs of their athletes. Based on unique demands of workouts, lifestyle and goals the technology analyses dietary intake and provides feedback and data visualisations to help athletes fuel smarter, perform better and recover faster. The technology is trusted by some of the world’s top sports nutritionists and has been used to power the performance of Olympic medalists and World Champions.

As well as detailing the unique elements of the Hexis offer, Sam talks about: –

• Transitioning from his accomplished academic environment into the uncertain and challenging world of starting and scaling a business

• How his scientific background helps him control overwhelm

• The importance of a complementary and motivational co-founder, Simon Roberts

• His inspirational mum who raised him alone

• How in spite of his dyslexia he gained a PhD and

• The book which provided him with a unique insight on leadership.

Our conversation with Sam starts at 03:52.

Following a competitive process, Hexis completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and are currently fundraising for their next phase of growth. For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process go to and for Hexis see

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