My Start up Story: Cubode

My Start up Story: Cubode

My Start up Story: Cubode

Cubode is working towards a world where everyone is empowered to harness data.

It is doing that by turning code from a privilege to an accessible commodity.  Just like Canva has democratised design, without having to hire a full creative team, Cubode is democratising the harnessing of data using AI, without having to hire a team of coders.  Cubode makes the extraction, processing and analysing of data simple and effortless.  No technical expertise needed.

Rebeca Garcia, co-founder, is passionate about what she has created.  As well as explaining how Cubode offers a unique non-technical alternative to coding, she also shares:

– her views on under-represented female role models as founders or investors in the tech start-up sector

– why making an impact, rather than only aspiring to do so, is something worth celebrating

– her realisation that setting out a vision and reinforcing it is critical

– the story of her parent’s business going bankrupt when she was a teenager and how that shaped who she is

– her decision to turn down a place at university and to move to London instead despite not speaking any English and…

– …why she is not afraid of losing everything.

Following a competitive process, Cubode completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and are currently fundraising for their next phase of growth.

For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process go to and for Cubode see

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