My Start up Story: Gaia Learning

My Start up Story: Gaia Learning

My Start up Story: Gaia Learning

Everyone knows a child who struggles in school. CEO of Gaia Learning and TEDx speaker alongside her cofounder, Kirsten Coughtrie are personalising learning experiences for neurodivergent children worldwide.

Gaia Learning have created a global online school that supports neurodiverse children through personalised education, which parents and educators can monitor via a dashboard that provides insights into a child’s learning experience. The model leads to reduced anxiety, more personalised learning, and better overall learner experience.

Kate exudes passion when she shares her absolute belief that Gaia Learning will change the world of education and is incredibly honest about the realities of building a business.

Some of her highlight shares include:-

– Her feelings when she realised that her daughter, Poppy was different from most other children and how mainstream education doesn’t adequately cater for 20% of the population who are neuro-divergent

– Why the world needs to understand the potential for online learning (which is not sitting your child in front of a computer for hours)

– How techniques such as using dinosaurs to teach maths and designing a dream house to teach English can revolutionise a child’s learning, confidence and creative thinking.

– How the Baltic Ventures Accelerator gave her headspace, a sense of community and an opportunity for meaningful conversation

– How her early childhood traumatic events gave her an absolute belief that everything will be alright

– What she has learnt in terms of accepting support from others

Our conversation with Kate starts at 03:52.

Following a competitive process, Gaia Learning have completed the Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator 2023 programme and are currently fundraising for their next phase of growth.

For more details about the next Baltic Ventures 2024 application process or to seek information about investor opportunities go to and for Gaia Learning go to

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